Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Obama's Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up"

Ann Coulter recently wrote a blog on her website titled "Obama's Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up". It discusses the fact that supporters of Obama are rapidly decreasing, and as a result, democrats who have stayed true to him are now claiming that the real cause for his falling numbers is racism. As stated by Coulter, "This is what "racism" has come to in America. Democrats are in trouble, so they say "let's call conservatives racists."" She goes on to give several examples of democrat's false evidence that republicans are racist. One of her prime examples was, "...the mainstream media continue to spread the despicable lie that someone called civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis the "N-word" 15 times during the anti-ObamaCare rally in Washington." After this rumor was spread, $100,000 was offered to anyone who had a video of him being called that name; not one of the countless videos from that rally show him being called any names at all, let alone 15 times. Another example Coulter gives of the falsely accused racism is that the NAACP is saying that the Tea Partiers are harboring racists. Their proof was by creating a short video that featured a man at one of the protests shouting, "I'm a proud racist!" In response to that video, Coulter stated, "Here's the part Soros' people didn't show you: In the fuller video shown on the Glenn Beck show, the Tea Partiers surrounded the (liberal plant) racist, jeering at him, telling him he's not one of them and to go home. In a spectacularly evil fraud, all that was edited out." This proves that it was all a scam created by liberal conspirers.

Coulter is a successful political author, a legal correspondent for Human Events, and writes a column for Universal Press Syndicate. She is extremely politically educated, has a conservative viewpoint, and was named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner. Coulter wrote this blog to inform people of the truth about the rumors circulating that accuse those who do not support Obama as being racist. After reading "Obama's Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up", there was no question in my mind that the rumors were false. It does an effective job of stating its main point, then providing vital evidence to back it up and therefore convince the reader. I also think that it makes readers much more suspicious of trusting the media, as well as doubting the honesty of many influential democrats.


  1. This is a reply to the post from Andrea Cleave
    “Obama’s Poll Numbers Down, Imaginary Racism Up”

    Imaginary racism? Please. Racism does still exist in America. Most white people don’t even recognize it when they see it, but trust African-Americans do. I was once naïve to the thought of racism; because I have grown up in Austin which is diverse I had never seen it. I have never lived on the east side of Austin so I really didn’t know what racism looked like. Until I was a senor in high school and traveled to east Texas for a family reunion. I had to find out the hard way that everyone is not treated equal and that at one point I was in the wrong side of town. Racism does not only exist among white and blacks but also among Hispanics and people of other nationalities.

    In 1999 three men from Jasper, TX were tried and found guilty for dragging James Byrd, a black man, to death. They were young in their 20’s and 30’s. This was a racially driven murder. I honestly believe that most people of a younger generation do not really care about race, or whether a person is gay or not because we have been grown up in a diverse society. But when you think about when the civil rights movement took place in the 1960’s a lot of people that were born around that time are still alive. Or there parents lived during segregation so they have certain beliefs about other races that have been passed on that their children grew up believing. Just like many people get their political ideologies from their parents and family members. I am only trying to inform you that racism does still exist in the United States.

    Now speaking about politics, most of the things Ann Coulter brings up are not just crazed liberals. She speaks of Liberal Protestors outside of the RNC in 2008, and makes it sound like they showed up to just be violent and kill people. Sure there were 280 people arrested that day, but there were 10,000 protestors just wanting to protest the war, and to voice their complaints about the White house, and the economy. She also speaks of House Majority Leader Harry Reid who did say “He was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama…a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect.” Yes, that was a very racist comment. Racism exists everywhere.

    I don’t believe that all conservatives are racist, but I do believe many may choose to keep their mouths shut because they want to stay in office. Yes Obama’s numbers are down, but imaginary racism is not up it has always been there. Ann Coulter would not know what it is if it were right in front of her face.

  2. I agree with Andrea... Desiree hates me too haha
